Friday, August 8, 2008

Back to school

We start school early here...very early. This year we started Aug 7th...I remember growing up, we always started the day after Labor Day, so this is different, but I like it. Honestly, when it comes to school getting out in the summer, everyone, kids and parents can't wait for them to get sprung, but come time for them to head back, and it can't happen soon enough! Seriously, I have felt like I was desperate, waiting for school to start. It isn't that the kids have been bad, or that I dislike having them around, but I was getting so tired of the picking on each other! Now they can still do it, but I don't have to hear about it:-)

They both wanted to take the bus, but I wanted to drive them to school this know, get the pictures of them walking into the building, at their classrooms...all that good stuff. It didn't even occur to me to do it when Nicholas started Kindergarten, and I feel bad about that, now. So, I thought I would make up for it this year, and do the whole shebang. It went well...we were running a little late, so we kind of rushed through, but I got to drop my babies off at school, and take few pictures to boot.
Here is Nicholas and Rory, getting ready to go into school...

Nicholas on his way into First grade...he is staying with the same teacher this year, and most of the same classmates.

Rory on her way into Kindergarten. Her teacher's name is Ms. Boggess, and so far, Rory really seems to like her. Rory was so excited to be starting school...I don't think she even noticed when I left!

So, that was that. We came home, went to the grocery store...all day Elliot asked if we were ready to go pick Rory up. It is cute, really, Elliot is now under the impression that if she eats all of her food, she will grow bigger, sooner, and be able to join the other two in school-land:-)

The kids took the bus home; I couldn't be there (had a doctor's appointment) when they got off the bus, so Mark was home. I am sorry I missed it though. Them getting off the bus...not the bus driver. We have the same driver as last year, and I mean it when I tell you that this man is a cross between Crankshaft and the crazy mail man from Funny Farm. Last year, he blew right by us whle we waited for the bus, and forgot to drop Nicholas off two afternoons in a row. Thank goodness we don't have to deal with that this year, right? Yeah, whatever. Yesterday he picked up (I stood at the end of the drive and waited for him, in order to find out when he would be by) at 7:07; this morning we were out at 7:01 and we never saw him. We waited until 7:30, then I drove them...Rory was pretty crestfallen, she really wanted to ride the bus. Fast forward to this afternoon, and I am on the porch waiting for them...only to watch the bus zip past the house! At least he realized it this year, and I didn't have to chase him down in the van. Last year, I actually had to chase him, catch him and get out in the road and hop up and down in the middle of the road yelling for him to give me my baby back...but I digress...
He had the gall to holler out the window at me, that he can't see them and didn't know they were on the bus (seriously, you didn't see them get on? C'mon), so I need to tell them to stand up and come to the front when he approaches their house. 1) kids aren't supposed to stand up pn the bus. 2) They are 5 and 6, they don't know when the bus is approaching their house. 3) They can't see out the windows. 4) DO YOUR JOB AND TAKE CARE OF MY KIDS! Ugh! I had really hoped we would have a different driver this year....

All that said, it is the weekend, and we have had a good first "week" at school:-)

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Good Idea?

So I thought I would start a blog. So people to whom I don't often speak could keep up with the happenings around here. Except that I think I actually need to post in it for that to happen...

I thought I wouldn't tell anyone about my blog (except Bobbi found me out...*high five*), so that if I couldn't post on a daily basis, or even every other day, no one would be any the wiser. It has been two weeks since I updated *blush*...guess I need more accountability than all that....

Around here, hmmm...let's see. Ren had his frenulectomy yesterday. For those of you that aren't as well acquainted with the frenulum as I have become, that is the procedure to cure a tongue-tie. The piece on the bottom of the tongue that connects it to the bottom of the mouth is too short, so his tongue was being pulled back, giving it a "forked" appearance. I hate that they waited until now to snip it, but it is what it is, so off we went to have it snipped.
It is a simple procedure, outpatient, with no anesthesia, even...except a little numbing gel. They told me that there is generally no more than a drop of blood, and the baby hardly notices it. Suffice it to say, I was not prepared for the screaming and crying I heard coming from the room where they did it! One nurse, 8 months pregnant, even walked out of the room saying "I can't watch this right now"...which did nothing to put my mind at ease. It only took a few minutes, but when they brought him to me, he had blood on the outside of his mouth, all around his lips, blood on his chin, his shirt. The nurse was holding a bloody piece of gauze in his heart broke, I tell you. That said, he nursed immediately, and hasn't seemed bothered by it since. The doctor explained to me that Ren has a thick frenulum...usually it requires one snip...his they had to cut three times. Ouch. All's well that ends well, though, right?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I guess I deserved that...

I got pulled over today. For speeding. First time in 18 years...what're ya gonna do? The officer wrote me up for 15 over, instead of 17 over. Thank you...thank you very much. I am sure that will help immensely.
Seriously, I am not one to blame others, I was speeding, I deserve the ticket. But c'mon, have a heart! I had a screaming...dare I say, bellowing 3 month old in the back seat, and I just wanted to get somehwere where I could hold him. I would have hoped that my driving record would have led him to cut me some slack. Turns out, not so much.
Let's add to that the fact that my license and registration are from two different states. That helped. The conversation went something like this:
Officer: You live in GA?
Me: Yes sir
Officer: Then who does this car belong to?
Me: Well, it is mine, but my husband takes care of the registration...I am not sure why he hasn't changed it over.
Officer (shakes head like he doesn't believe me, and that I am an idiot): Did you used to live in TN?
Me: Yes, we did.
Officer: How long have you lived here?
Me (lie): about 6 months
Officer (again giving me that "you are an idiot" look): You have 30 days to change it.
Me: I am so sorry...

Yeah, so that helped me get a ticket, too. I had asked Mark what would happen if I got pulled over and my license and registration didn't match. He told me not to worry, just tell them it was his car. Great advice, again, thanks. I told him I would tell the officer that it belonged to my husband and that we were separated. Kinda wish I had gone with that one, right about now...