Friday, July 25, 2008

A Good Idea?

So I thought I would start a blog. So people to whom I don't often speak could keep up with the happenings around here. Except that I think I actually need to post in it for that to happen...

I thought I wouldn't tell anyone about my blog (except Bobbi found me out...*high five*), so that if I couldn't post on a daily basis, or even every other day, no one would be any the wiser. It has been two weeks since I updated *blush*...guess I need more accountability than all that....

Around here, hmmm...let's see. Ren had his frenulectomy yesterday. For those of you that aren't as well acquainted with the frenulum as I have become, that is the procedure to cure a tongue-tie. The piece on the bottom of the tongue that connects it to the bottom of the mouth is too short, so his tongue was being pulled back, giving it a "forked" appearance. I hate that they waited until now to snip it, but it is what it is, so off we went to have it snipped.
It is a simple procedure, outpatient, with no anesthesia, even...except a little numbing gel. They told me that there is generally no more than a drop of blood, and the baby hardly notices it. Suffice it to say, I was not prepared for the screaming and crying I heard coming from the room where they did it! One nurse, 8 months pregnant, even walked out of the room saying "I can't watch this right now"...which did nothing to put my mind at ease. It only took a few minutes, but when they brought him to me, he had blood on the outside of his mouth, all around his lips, blood on his chin, his shirt. The nurse was holding a bloody piece of gauze in his heart broke, I tell you. That said, he nursed immediately, and hasn't seemed bothered by it since. The doctor explained to me that Ren has a thick frenulum...usually it requires one snip...his they had to cut three times. Ouch. All's well that ends well, though, right?

1 comment:

Bobbi said...

Oh poor baby! That is sad. Reading about Ren brought back memories of when they circ'ed Barrett. I could hear him screaming all the way down the hall and through 2 closed doors. When they brought him to me he was frantic and red from screaming so hard. I wondered what I had done to my sweet baby. He nursed like he hadn't eaten in days and then was fine. Good thing kids are resilient, right? lol

btw, I would have had no clue you started a blog except you commented on mine. When you comment on someone's blog it links them to yours. :) Don't worry. You notice I go in spurts. Lot of posts and then nothing for weeks.